Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer here Sommer here?

Sommer here Summer not, leave a message!  Sommer thinking about life and death.  How can it be only 13 years until the time my father had his first cancer diagnosis?  How can it be only 18 years until his death? How can I live well, live healthy and stay focused on loving enough to make this work out?
  • struggling for myself--how to use the time wisely, how to love enough and well, how to get my work done so that all that I do is in some sort of harmony
  • struggling for my sister--how to figure out her depression, how to love enough and well, how to get focus while still having time/without giving up one for the other
  • struggling
Kristin Armstrong wrote in her blog: Let me be one of the first to welcome you to the new season, to wish you the happiest, mellowest, bestest summa eva. Stay up late. Sleep in when you can. Smile often. Play. Run far and free.

Better!  The Summer here summer not is also from her, June 15.

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